Frequent User Options
Save 10% with a Series or Membership
Series are like buying in bulk and they are fully transferable
Share a series with a loved one or gift one to a friend

Save 10% if you’re gift planning or interested in repeat visits, but can't commit to a monthly treatment schedule.
Gift Planning?
Want scheduling flexibility?
Focusing on Preventative Care?
Buy four treatments and get one half-price or buy nine treatments and get one free.
Treatments never expire and can be gifted to family and friends.
We are happy to provide a gift certificate if you are gift planning.
Series are non-refundable.
Series are fully transferable.
They must be of the same treatment type, but clients can extend their treatment or upgrade to another by paying the difference .
Series' discounts may not be combined with any other promotions/discounts.
Regular 24 hour appointment cancellation policy applies.
Book your first appointment online and we'll take care of the rest when you arrive.
Get one treatment per month, at a 10% discount. No additional membership fees.
Get 10% off any additional services including all Massage Modalities, Wellness Treatments, Reiki, Facials, Waxing, Private Yoga Instruction, and Nutrition Coaching.
Get 10% off gift certificates.
Priority Scheduling: Schedule monthly appointments ahead of time or as you go.
Priority scheduling for free student massage (when available).
Special offers for events, classes and workshops when offered.
Monthly auto-debit and a three-month commitment are required.
Monthly auto-debit will be charged on the day of your choosing
Treatment must be used each month or it is forfeited. So you don’t lose out, you may transfer the treatment to a family member. Member must call to schedule.
Massage membership discount not to be combined with any other promotions/discounts.
The Regular 24-hour appointment cancellation policy applies.
Membership Cancellation Policy: If canceled prior to the third auto-debit commitment, the client is responsible for full payment of each remaining treatment left in the three-month commitment. After three months you may cancel at any time without any fees.
Book your first appointment online and we'll take care of the rest when you arrive.

A great way to stay on a treatment schedule
and take advantage of all of our services at 10% off.
Training for an athletic event?
Preparing for your baby's arrival?
Recovering from an injury?